South African Website Design Company

// Giving the Internet a make-over since 2006

Web Design Articles How to Install and Use Your Email Signature

Please note:
This article is specifically for our clients that we have designed an email signature for. This information will unlikely be helpful to outsiders stumbling upon this article.

Please have the Zip file that we emailed you ready and follow the directions below.


  1. Unzip* the zip file to the appropriate location:

    If you are using Windows 2000 / XP:

    C:\Documents and Settings\Your User Name**\Application Data\Microsoft\Signatures***

    If you are using Windows Vista / Windows 7 / 8 / 10:

    C:\Users\Your User Name**\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Signatures***
    • If you are unsure how to unzip a file, see our article How to Unzip (Extract) a Zip File Easily
    • Replace Your User Name with your user name that you use to log onto your computer with. If you don't log in to your computer and you don't know what your username is please see our article How to Find Out Your Windows Username
    • If the zip won't extra to \Signatures, it might be that the folder hasn't been generated by Outlook yet. In this event you can create it by creating any simple signature within Outlook, or manually create it in this way:
      1. Open Windows Explorer (hold down the Windows key on your keyboard and press 'E')
      2. Type this in the address bar: C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\ and hit Enter
      3. Create a folder called Signatures (make sure the first letter is capitalized)

  2. Follow the instructions below for the email program you are using. If you are unsure of what version of Outlook you are running, see our article How to Find Out What Version of Office you are Running.


  1. Open MS Outlook and click the New E-mail button
  2. In the new email, click the 'Insert' tab
  3. Click the 'Signatures' button and then click 'Signatures...' from the drop down menu
  4. On the right hand side of the pop up window, select YourSigFile* for 'New messages' and YourSigFile* for 'Replies/forwards'
  5. Click OK to close signature window
  6. The next time you click the New E-mail button, your signature will be included in that mail.
  • YourSigFile name will almost always be the name of your company.
  1. Open MS Outlook 2007 and click 'Tools > Options'.
  2. In the window that pops up, go to the 'Mail Format' tab.
  3. On the right hand side of the pop-up window select YourSigFile* for 'New messages' and YourSigFile* for 'Replies/forwards'.
  4. Make sure the correct email account is selected.
  5. Click OK to close signature window.
  6. Click OK again to close the options window.
  7. The next time you click the New E-mail button, your signature will be included in that mail.
  • YourSigFile name will almost always be the name of your company.
  1. Open MS Outlook and click 'Tools > Options'.
  2. In the window that pops up, go to the 'Mail Format' tab.
  3. Near the bottom, where it says 'Signature for new messages', select YourSigFile* from the drop down menu.
  4. Where it says 'Signature for replies and forwards', select YourSigFile* from the drop down menu.
  5. Click Apply & OK.
  6. The next time you click the New E-mail button, your signature will be included in that mail.
  • YourSigFile name will almost always be the name of your company.